
On 4 April 2006, our world became a bit more magical as we welcomed our first daughter to the world. Sophie Grace was born at 0124 in the morning weighing 7lbs 9oz and 19.5 inches long. Now I am a (loving) wife to Matt, mother of Sophie, have a Great Dane/Pointer called Joey, and am a part-time nurse. Due to the suggestions of friends and my computer savvy hubby,this is Sophie's blog. Good luck to us :)

31 October 2006

Renaissance Festival

I always liked the Renaissance Festival. Always thought it was nice to be a princess (or even a peasent) for a day. Where everyone calls you "My lady" a girl could get used to that. This year, we let Sophie take over the costume and we went just as civilians. But still, it was a good time. Our little faerie princess was, of course, the prettiest lady there. One man even said and I quote "that is the most adorable baby I have ever seen in my entire life" And oh, she flirted with him. She smiled and talked and laughed. And her daddy did not like that so much :) Apparantly some Renaissance lady even blessed Sophie's birthmark on her head. ( I had stepped away) It's good to let her see these fun things, even though she may not remember them:)
Our faerie princess!!

This is Maggie, the goose. Apparantly she loved babies. Sophie was not sure what to make of her, but she got a hug anyway.

Sophie (and Mommy) enjoyed the camel rides. Seems, Sophie loves all animals!! Especially birds and ridable ones :)

Ok, this picture is not related, but I just had to include it. This was at Stowe Park, Sophie's first time in the swings by herself. she enjoyed herself. Already so independent.


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