
On 4 April 2006, our world became a bit more magical as we welcomed our first daughter to the world. Sophie Grace was born at 0124 in the morning weighing 7lbs 9oz and 19.5 inches long. Now I am a (loving) wife to Matt, mother of Sophie, have a Great Dane/Pointer called Joey, and am a part-time nurse. Due to the suggestions of friends and my computer savvy hubby,this is Sophie's blog. Good luck to us :)

17 January 2007

Remember the Discovery Place??

I have fond memories of the Discovery Place, especially the big eyeball. when I used to be in Girl Scouts, we had overnites there and would fight over who got to sleep inside. So, taking Sophie back was fun.. We went with Lora and Lily (Thanks, Lora for the pics) Silly me forgot my camera, so here is just a few graciously emailed my way :)


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