
On 4 April 2006, our world became a bit more magical as we welcomed our first daughter to the world. Sophie Grace was born at 0124 in the morning weighing 7lbs 9oz and 19.5 inches long. Now I am a (loving) wife to Matt, mother of Sophie, have a Great Dane/Pointer called Joey, and am a part-time nurse. Due to the suggestions of friends and my computer savvy hubby,this is Sophie's blog. Good luck to us :)

15 February 2007

Jack Frost

1 February 2007

Well guys, I tried to put these pictures up earlier and my whole post was deleted from my drafts, so here is a second try...I'm sure you remember the snow (my birthday). Sophie was interested, luckily we took her out before breakfast to see the snow falling. After we were out for about 10-15 minutes (enough time for a baby-and me :) ) it started to be that 'ole slushy stuff.Do you remember the movie, "A Christmas Story"? Remember the part where the boy is so wrapped up in the snowsuit that he couldn't let his arms down? Sophie tried, but there was no mobility in this thing :)Ok, in the above picture, it looks like she is annoyed or about to cry when really Sophie kept trying to look up at the falling snow, then that would startle her and so on...

Ok, back to no mobility...
Below is Sophie with her daddy.
Sophie and I did build a snowman...look what a good job she did making the bottom...
Of all the snow activities, eating snow was by far the favorite. Sophie didn't really like it-put it in mouth, too cold, make terrible, betrayed face, demand more. Repeat process. After a while she enjoyed it and finished off a plate. Note the PJ's. We stayed in them ALL day!!!
And my favorite picture of all.....


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